Constructora MECO

Constructora Meco S.A., founded in 1977, is a Costa Rican company with presence in Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua and El Salvador.

Company specialized in infrastructure works for both the public and private sectors.

icon_widget_image La Uruca, San José, Costa Rica icon_widget_image + (506) 2519-7000 icon_widget_image

Constructora MECO

Protecting the water resource of Nariño and all Colombia

The bypass Galeras project is part of the program “Roads for Equity” in the project called “Improvement

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, social, property and environmental management of the highway Cebadal – Yacuanquer – Consacá -Sandoná- Pasto”, from our client, the National Institute of Highways of Colombia.

Due to its diverse geography, 91 km of route were rehabilitated and received maintenance. Thanks to these works, 300 new sources of employment were generated in the area.

A special feature of the project was the intervention in La Cernidera, where we worked giving special care to the water resource that gushed out from the upper slope, a product of the source of water in the Colombian Massif, the most important water source in Colombia.

This was the area of the project with the greatest environmental and social sensitivity, where it was possible to protect the communities’ water resources and meet the community’s connection needs with the rest of the country, as it is a predominantly agricultural sector.

In this location, 640 ml were executed, with the construction of 120 caissons with manual intervention, construction of 2A, 2B and 2C flying roads, construction of 200 ml in reinforced concrete walls, installation of hoses for the conduction of water for agricultural use and regional aqueducts, as well as the construction of an alternate line for the aqueduct.

The following activities were also executed:

  • Grading
  • Subgrade improvement
  • Installation of granular subbase
  • Levelling
  • Subgrade improvement
  • Installation of granular subbase
  • Granular base
  • Asphalt layer
  • Horizontal and vertical signage
  • Construction of reinforced channels
  • Sewers
  • Reinforced-concrete ramp with safety railing so that the community can market their products

As part of this road works in the Department of Nariño

, 8 km were also rehabilitated in the Cebadal – Yacuanquer sector, with milling activities of the existing layer; installation of mixed base, installation of asphalt layer, horizontal and vertical signage, and construction of works such as gutters, enhancement of walls, dissipators and retaining walls in reinforced concrete.

Approximately 10 km of road were also improved in the Consacá – Sandoná sector, with the execution of activities including levelling, subgrade improvement, installation of granular sub-base, granular base, asphalt layer and horizontal and vertical marking.  Works carried out include reinforcement of concrete retaining walls, gabion walls, secret bag walls, dissipators, gutters, culverts, box culverts, 4 bridges with their corresponding safety railing, pedestrian, and vehicular accesses. In addition, some slopes were stabilized with a horizontal drainage system, shotcrete, mesh-type curtain, and passive bolts.