Constructora MECO

Constructora Meco S.A., founded in 1977, is a Costa Rican company with presence in Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua and El Salvador.

Company specialized in infrastructure works for both the public and private sectors.

icon_widget_image La Uruca, San José, Costa Rica icon_widget_image + (506) 2519-7000 icon_widget_image [email protected]


Kilometers of pipelines


Tunnels for underground crossings


Aqueducts and Sewer Systems


National Council for Sustainable Development (CONADES)


Panama City

People Benefited



Acueduct in Panama City


The aqueduct in the Linea de Occidente (Western Line), including the area of the Old Quarter and the urban sector of the Ciudad Hospitalaria, is part of this important project to create a new drinking water supply system. The work included the installation of 24.23 kilometers of ductile pipeline and then the construction of five tunnels for underground crossings, as well as three bridges for aerial crossings, a pumping station to feed the tank in Cerro Patacón, the rehabilitation of La Cresta pumping station, and 16 interconnections to the potable aqueduct system.