Improvement and expansion of 40.07 kilometers to 4 lanes of the Pan-American highway – main road that connects all of Central America – to increase the capacity of traffic flow.
The project included the rehabilitation of two lanes and the construction of two new ones of 3.65 meters wide per lane, 17 road returns, expansion and construction of the transversal and longitudinal drainage structures, stabilization in new cut or fill slopes, lighting in suburban sections, installation of road safety elements as well as road signs and road markings, both vehicular and pedestrian.
Moreover, the project included the redesign of the original plan and a series of road safety elements that raised the standard. Meco replaced a central ditch with a Jersey barrier in 30 km of the road; following AASHTO guidelines. The project also included crash cushion barriers at all points necessary. Finally, Meco used 15 cm wide thermoplastic road marking paint to have a positive influence on road safety.